Tools for Capacity Building

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Chapter Coordinator: Anna Spenceley
Chapter contributors: Anna Spenceley, Stephen McCool, Yu-Fai Leung, Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Susan Snyman, Megan Epler Wood, Mark Milstein, Dani Ndebele, Giulia Garbone, Maria Ana Borges, Chih-Liang Chao, Dau-Jye Lu, Mei-Hui Chen, Erin Seekamp, Lee Cerveny.

Chapter 9 Table of Contents
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Actors and Core Competencies
9.3 Capacity Building for Managers
9.4 Capacity Building for Local Communities: Concepts

9.4.1 Spectrum of Community Engagement
9.4.2 Social Communication and Consultation with Stakeholders
9.4.3 Concepts and Approaches for Community Participation
9.4.4 Conflict Management

9.5 Capacity Building for Local COmmunities: Programme Examples
9.6 Capacity Building through Partnership
9.7 Guidelines for Capacity Building


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Personal communications:

  1. Pers. comm. Dani Ndebele, Resource Africa, 2013

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